You've stumbled across the archive of the blog posts I wrote back in 2014 and prior. Feel free to peruse, through everything from code snippets that never made it to GitHub, to random ramblings about my passion for technology.

After a long and arduous journey of getting a navigation drawer set up for the redesign of my ChemPal app, I finally completed a wonderful and beautiful hamburger menu that I was greatly happy with.

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As a coder who picked up on Java and JavaScript string concatenation ("text" + var + "more text"), in PHP I always used "text" . $var . "more text". That may change soon, though, as it seems that embedding variables in string literals is a bit faster.

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A substitute for str_ireplace() which I wrote to allow its usage on PHP versions below 5.

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Since file_put_contents() is not included in PHP 4, I wrote a function to allow its use for anyone still on legacy versions.

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In PHP, when you submit a file input that has multiple files (as in, it is named <input ... name='foo[]' />), it organizes it oddly. The $_FILES array contains a single key, then within that key is an array with keys "name", "tmp_name", "size", "type", "error". Within each of those keys is an array with the data for each file.


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