You've stumbled across the archive of the blog posts I wrote back in 2014 and prior. Feel free to peruse, through everything from code snippets that never made it to GitHub, to random ramblings about my passion for technology.

According to Google Page Speed and Yahoo's YSlow tools, proper caching, GZipping, and the use of ETags are some of the most important things to speed up the loading of webpages as well as reduce the consumption of bandwidth (for both your server and end-user).

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JPGs and PNGs each serve their purposes in the computing world.

For example, a JPG cannot hold transparency; it must have a background color of some type. However, as a tradeoff, it is what is called a "lossy" format, which means that some data will be lost when it is saved due to being compressed.

PNG, however, is saved in a "lossless" format (as-is), which means the file you see as a PNG is eye-to-eye identical to what was originally saved (in many cases, a PSD file). PNGs can be slightly compressed, but not by a lot.

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var_dump in PHP, by default, prints the results of var_dump to the output in the same way that print would. This prevents us from doing things like echo "Variable 'x' is: " . var_dump($x) . ".";.

To prevent this, we can use the output buffer instead.

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mIRC Bigtext

eric irc mirc

A script that outputs text five lines high and in a specific color.

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I felt that these three array functions were sorely lacking from PHP. They're simple to use and easy to install, and follow the general syntax of the existing array methods that are default to PHP.

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