This code is designed to allow one to find all autocorrect suggestions of a word based on the letters close to it on a given keyboard (the following examples using QWERTY). That is to say, if the string "trf" is given, "red" would be a good result (one key left on the keyboard for each letter).

This code is also available on GitHub.


We can test our code with the following implementation, which will ask the user for a string then output the top 10 results (in order of preference).

We use the wordlist from WordList @ SourceForge, and use only dictionaries 10-50 (as 55 through 95 are really uncommon words).

# Initialization...
start = time.time();

dictionary = load_dictionary();

print "TIME SPENT (Loading Dictionaries):\\t"+str(round(time.time() - start,6));

# You can have however many rows/cols you want in the keyboard.
# _ is a blank character, as in, there is no key there.
row1 = "q w e r t y u i o p _".split();
row2 = "a s d f g h j k l _ '".split();
row3 = "_ z x c v b n m , . _".split();
keyboard = [row1,row2,row3];

# This will simply add all your characters from the keyboard into a global array.
globalChars = "";
for row in keyboard:
    for c in row:
        if (c != "_"):
            globalChars += c;


# Run our main code!
string = raw_input("Enter string to generate suggestions for: ");

print "STARTING, string is \\""+string+"\\"...";
start = time.time();

possibilities = get_suggestions(string,keyboard);

print "TIME SPENT (Generating Suggestions):\\t"+str(round(time.time() - start,6));

print len(possibilities),"possibilites, showing top 10:";
for p in possibilities[0:10]:
    print "\\t",p[0];


import glob
import math
import os, sys
import operator
import time
import unicodedata

    We need these methods for basic operation of the application.
def get_exec_path():
    if ("win" in sys.platform): app = "\\\\\\\\";
    else: app = "/";
    return sys.path[0] + app;

def get_encoding(): return "latin1";

def not_combining(char):
    # Source:
    return unicodedata.category(char) != 'Mn';

def remove_accents(text):
    # Source:
    encoding = get_encoding();
    unicodeText = unicodedata.normalize('NFD',text.decode(encoding));
    return filter(not_combining,unicodeText).encode(encoding);

def remove_duplicates(seq, idfun = None):
    # Source: (f5)
    if idfun is None:
        def idfun(x): return x;
    seen = {};
    result = [];
    for item in seq:
        marker = idfun(item);
        if marker in seen:
        seen[marker] = 1;
    return result;

    We need these methods for working our dictionary.
def load_dictionary():
    # Loads all dictionary files in /dictionary/ into one array.
    # NOTE: Dictionaries should have an extension that is a NUMBER (NOT txt). That number should indicate the dictionary's commonness.
    dictFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(get_exec_path()+"dictionary","*.*"));
    dictionaries = [];
    for f in dictFiles:
            name = f[0:f.rindex(".")];
            ext = f[f.rindex(".")+1:];
    dictionaries = sorted(dictionaries,key=operator.itemgetter(1,0));
    dictionary = [];
    for element in dictionaries:
        infile = element[0]+"."+element[1];
        file = open(infile,"r");
        newEntries = file.readlines();
        for i in range(len(newEntries)):
            newEntries[i] = [remove_accents(newEntries[i]).strip(),int(element[1])];
    newDictionary = remove_duplicates(dictionary,lambda x:x[0]);
    return newDictionary;

    We need these methods for calculating distance, priority, and commonness of keystroke combinations.
def calculate_priority(distance, dictionary):
    # This formula can be anything; it uses the keystroke distance sum, 0 being best, and a number 0+ for the dictionary, where 0 is the most common.
    return distance * dictionary;

def letter_distance(origin, char, keyboard):
    # Find out how far apart two letters are based on our provided keyboard layout.
    originCoord = [-1,-1];
    charCoord = [-1,-1];
    for i in range(len(keyboard)):
        row = keyboard[i];
        if (origin in row):
            originCoord[1] = i;
            originCoord[0] = row.index(origin);
        if (char in row):
            charCoord[1] = i;
            charCoord[0] = row.index(char);
    return abs(charCoord[0] - originCoord[0]) + abs(charCoord[1] - originCoord[1]);

def letter_distances_all(word, keyboard):
    # Compute all two-letter distances into a hash-map for quick access.
    global globalChars;
    distances = {};
    for c in word:
        for l in globalChars:
            distances[c+l] = letter_distance(c,l,keyboard);
    return distances;

def word_distance(word, comparison, table):
    # Computes total distance of keystrokes for a word; that is, if the first letter is 1 off and the second letter is 4 off, returns 5.
    if (len(word) != len(comparison)): return -1;
    distance = 0;
    for i in range(len(word)):
            w = word[i];
            c = comparison[i];
            distance += table[w+c];
            return -1;
    return distance;

    We need these method to actually get suggestions for a given string.
def get_suggestions(string, keyboard):
    # Our main function that uses all means necessary to list out all possible suggestions for a string from a given keyboard. Sorts using 'calculate_priority'.
    global dictionary;

    string = string.lower();
    possibilities = [];
    distances = letter_distances_all(string,keyboard);
    wordlength = len(string);

    for entry in dictionary:
        e = entry[0];
        if (len(e) < wordlength): continue;
        eLeft = e[0:wordlength];
        dist = word_distance(string,eLeft.lower(),distances);
        if (dist <= wordlength and dist >= 0):

    possibilities = sorted(possibilities,key=operator.itemgetter(2,1));
    return possibilities;

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